
Message from the President

Masanori Tanji

EP Mediate was established in April 2020, after taking over the medical device development support business from EPS Corporation.

EPMD has integrated the Foods with Health Claims development support business (hereinafter, “Food CRO”) to promote business reorganization and consolidation. After several years of business operations, EPMD has been reorganized into two functions, “medical device CRO” and “food CRO,” and has established a supply system that can aim for new business development.

In terms of the changes in the business environment, EPMD transferred its medical device development support business to EPS on October 1, 2024. EPMD will specialize in Food CRO and will work to strengthen its functions to collaborate and synergize food-related businesses within the EPS Group in the future.

Pursuing our mission, we will contribute to the advancement of the healthcare industry by providing high-value-added solutions to our clients. We always keep our business vision, EPS stands for Ever Progressing System as our group company name, in mind and we will strive to provide the best possible service for our customers all the time.

We truly appreciate your continuous support and cooperation.

Masanori Tanji
President and Representative Director, EP Mediate Co., Ltd.

Corporate Philosophy

Our Mission

We will contribute to the advancement of the healthcare industry by providing high-value-added solutions to our clients.

Our Vision

If we improve each day, we can progress ourselves daily, and will continue to do so.


Our Values

For Our Clients
We always place the highest priority on meeting clients’ needs and providing high-value-added services.
For Our Business
We will contribute to the advancement of society through sustained development of our busines.
For Our People
We will grow through our service to clients, and improve the quality of life (QOL) of all our stakeholders.

Corporate Profile

Corporate Name
EP Mediate Co., Ltd.
Masanori Tanji, President and Representative Director
Kagurazaka AK Building, 1-8 Tsukudocho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan
October 2018
50 million yen
Business Description
Foods with Health Claims development support business(Food CRO)
52 *As of October 1, 2024
Parent Company
EPS Corporation

Board Members Statutory Auditors

Chairman and Board Member
Takehisa Yamada
President and Representative Director
Masanori Tanji
Executive Vice President and Director
Hideaki Goto
Board Member
Koki Kawakubo
Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Masami Ito
Senior Advisor
Tetsuro Yamamoto
Senior Advisor
Satoshi Okoso


  • The Stockholders’ Meeting
    • Auditor
  • Board of Directors
  • President and Representative Corporate Officer
    • Development Department
    • Trial Planning Section
    • Sites Support Section
    • Planning & Consulting Department
    • Administration Office


EP Mediate Co., Ltd.

Kagurazaka AK Building, 1-8 Tsukudocho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan

JR Chuo Line/Sobu Line: Iidabashi Station, West Exit, about 6-min walk
Tozai Line /Tokyo Metro Yurakucho Line/Namboku Line/Toei Oedo Line : Iidabashi Station, Exit B4b, about 3-min walk